Award-winning health risk management solutions
Medscheme delivers sustainable healthcare through comprehensive solutions that offer:
- Health risk management services that set the industry benchmark
- Consideration of individual patients’ needs
- Quality care as a matter of priority
- Strong emphasis on healthcare value
- Mutually beneficial partnerships with healthcare professionals
- Award-winning excellence
Efficient, client-centric administration
Our 41-year track record for industry leadership as medical administrators ensures we deliver:
- Strong customer focus
- Highly efficient administration
- Dedicated business units
- ISO 9001:2015 certification
- State-of-the-art technology
- Internet based self-help facilities
- Award-winning excellence
New Hospital-Level Care at Home
Medscheme, in partnership with Quro Medical, has introduced its newly refined Hospital-at-Home offering.
This innovation offers patients and their treating doctors the choice to receive active treatment at home instead of a general hospital ward, without any compromise on the quality of the care.
Because home is where the healing happens.
Medicine Management

The following tools ensure that appropriate, cost effective medicine management is in place for members:
- Chronic medicine management – how to apply for the Chronic Medicine Benefit
- Medicine Exclusion List (MEL) – includes a list of drugs with uncertain uses or without established benefits
- Medscheme Drug Reference Price (MDRP) – reference pricing system
- Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB) – including lists of prescription medicine covered by medical aids, South Africa
- PESA File – Pharmaceutical Electronic Standard Authority
- Drug Utilisation Evaluation (DUE) – online medication management system
Leaders in sustainable healthcare

One of the most challenging issues facing the world today is sustainability – a challenge that applies equally to healthcare. Medscheme’s vision – Creating a world of Sustainable Healthcare – is our response to this challenge.
Driven by our vision we have consistently delivered innovative, affordable health risk management and medical aid administration solutions of exceptional quality to leading medical aid and corporate clients in South Africa, Africa and internationally.
Our Clients
Medscheme is proud to provide sustainable healthcare solutions to these leading medical aids in Southern Africa.
- AECI Medical Aid Society
- Barloworld Medical Scheme
- Bonitas
- Fedhealth
- Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS)
- Horizon Medical Scheme
- MBMed Medical Aid Fund
- Medshield
- Namibia Health Plan
- Parmed Medical Aid Scheme
- SABC Medical Scheme
- South African Police Service (POLMED)